How to Protect Your Scalp from The Sun?
Going out in the sun can affect your scalp and hair. Explore the best ways to protect them from sun damage, with our tips and advice.
1. How does the sun damage your scalp and hair?
2. Signs of sun-damaged hair
3. Tips to protect your scalp from the sun
If dandruff, split ends, and dry scalp weren’t enough, you also have to protect your hair and scalp from the sun! That daily dose of vitamin D (from the sun) may be good for your body, but it can cause immense damage to your scalp and hair. While the best way to protect your tresses would seem to never go out in the sun, it’s not possible to stay indoors forever. So, introduce your beauty arsenal to sunscreen if you want to protect your scalp and hair, just like how you will lather yourself with one for your face.
How does the sun damage your scalp and hair?
A little bit of sunshine never did anyone harm. You know what happens when you go out in the sun without sunscreen; it damages your skin and triggers premature ageing. Similarly, your hair too bears the brunt of harsh sun rays if you stay out in the sun for a long time.
• The UVA and UVB rays of the sun damage the outer part of your hair, known as the cuticle. This cuticle is what protects the softer inner core from damage caused due to environmental stressors.
• When the cuticle is damaged, it affects the proteins in the hair and reduces the cuticle’s protective ability. This leaves the inner core defenceless, and impairs the cells and the cell structures.
• Sunrays work just like bleach does; Not only do they change your hair colour, but they also weaken your hair’s protein structure, reduces its elasticity, and strips it of any natural moisture.
Signs of sun-damaged hair
To protect the scalp from the sun, you need to recognise the early signs of sun damage. Though these signs and symptoms might vary from person to person, the most common ones are:
• Frizzy, brittle, and thin hair
• Hair strands becoming weaker and easily breakable
• Loss of shine and reflection
• Loss of pigments which cause colour dissipation
• Hair appears drier and rougher as it loses moisture
• Split ends
Tips to protect your scalp from the sun
Wish to learn how to protect the scalp from the sun? Here’s what you have to do:
Use the right shampoo and conditioner
Stronger, cleaner hair is more resistant to sun-damage and thicker locks mean less exposure. Try Head & Shoulders Clean & Balanced Shampoo for desirable results. This incredible shampoo is formulated with HydraZinc and gives you 7 major benefits: calms itchy scalp, fights dry scalp, reduces redness, relieves irritation, great scent, controls flaky scalp, and leaves your hair looking great. Follow this up with Head & Shoulders Clean & Balanced Anti-Dandruff Conditioner. This conditioner locks in dandruff-fighting power and gives you healthy scalp and hair. This conditioner provides balanced conditioning for more softness and better manageability.
You can also use Head & Shoulders Apple Fresh Shampoo to cleanse your hair and scalp and keep them healthy. This shampoo is gentle and pH-balanced and even works wonders on chemically treated hair. Pair it with Head & Shoulders Apple Fresh Conditioner that moisturizes your hair, and is gentle enough for daily use.
Pro-tip: use warm water instead of hot water as this can irritate your scalp and weaken your hair.Wear a hat or a cap
This is perhaps the best sun protection for hair and scalp. A hat, cap, or even a scarf covers your head and protects your hair and scalp from the sun. You should consider covering your head even during cloudy days as the UV rays can still cause sunburn, and damage your scalp. Try getting a wide-brimmed hat as it protects the skin on your neck and face as well.Avoid going out when the sun is at its peak
The sun is the most intense between 10 AM to 2 PM. This is when you should avoid venturing out in the sun. If going out is inevitable, cover your hair with a scarf or use your wide-brimmed hat.Use a sunscreen
Yes, you read it right - sunscreen for your hair! If you tie your hair in braids or any other hairdo that exposes your scalp to the sun, apply sunscreen on that area. Formulated especially for your hair and scalp, they offer protection from both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure that you choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30, if you will be staying out in the sun for long, else SPF 15 would work just fine. Another important tip about sun protection for hair and scalp is to opt for a mineral-based sunscreen as it is comparatively lightweight and highly moisturising.Don’t apply heat too often
To protect the scalp from sun damage, avoid using heat-styling tools like curling wands, flat-iron, and blow-dryers. The heat from these styling appliances will damage the keratin sheath around the hair and leave it open to sun damage. If you still have to use these appliances, set your blow-dryer to a lower temperature and apply a heat protectant before you begin styling.
Now that you know how to protect your scalp from the sun, all you have to do is follow these effective tips and let the right shampoo and conditioner work its magic.